Jul 12, 2012

Buggy boxes on Art&Craft Tuesday

In an attempt to inject some sort of a routine to the boys' weekday evenings, I've started Games-book Mondays and Art&Craft Tuesdays since last week (the rest of the week has been er... sort of arbitrary for now...).

'Games-book' is the term I use for fun worksheets or work books.  Nothing serious, just some fun exercises to get the kids to settle down before bedtime.  I also hope that by calling Maths exercises 'number games', Yiyang would see them as fun exercises.  As for Yiheng, he attempted his first 'games book' recently; he found it so fun he refused to stop!  He finished the entire book in 2 days?! S$5.89 well-spent!

As for Art&Craft Tuesdays, so far, Mr Printables has been a saver!

This Tuesday, we made some easy 'bug boxes'.  Involved a little scissors-work (for the older one), some folding and pasting.  A simple, quiet, fun and cute craft to do.  Sweet results!

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