After turning down some job offers cos I cannot travel (sacrifice for the kiddos?), I picked 1 of the 2 non-travelling jobs I was offered, and am now back at work!
Before D-day, different friends asked on different occasions if I was excited to go back to the corporate world. Most of the time, I wasn't able to give a clear response. The feeling is really mixed.
I guess part of me was happy and looking forward to it - afterall, I've been thinking the education sector (no, I'm not a teacher!) is such a meaningful place to be (I started thinking this after having kids, along with feeling that jobs that go after money and profits have little meaning. I started looking out for jobs with NGOs... but they didn't work out.) The other part of me is worried that I won't have time to do stuff with and for the boys. But I was secretly thinking, how long can the hours be? After working 12-hour-a-day (or more!) jobs for the last decade or more, I should finally be able to enjoy some work-life harmony?
Perhaps it's too early to tell, but well, so far so good.
Besides it being a struggle waking up at 6.30am to prepare myself, so that I can wake #1 at 7.15am, #2 at 7.30am, and leave the house before 8 to get to their childcare by 8 and reach work by 8.30am (urgh!), it's been fine. And because I make sure I get to work early and on time I feel less guilty going back home on time to spend quality time with the boys. Afterall, we only get to spend about 2.5 to 3 hours together before they head off to bed. Time is such a precious commodity, especially so when you are a working mother with 2 young children.
Maybe that's why I'm also trying harder to be a good mummy... Oh, I made Yiyang a Halloween 'costume' instead of buying $2 hats/cape/wand from Daiso, a.k.a. the easy way out. So here's what I did between 11pm and 3am last Sunday night so that he could be Batman on Monday morning. By the time I packed up at nearly 4am, I was tired but really proud.
Perhaps it's too early to tell, but well, so far so good.
Besides it being a struggle waking up at 6.30am to prepare myself, so that I can wake #1 at 7.15am, #2 at 7.30am, and leave the house before 8 to get to their childcare by 8 and reach work by 8.30am (urgh!), it's been fine. And because I make sure I get to work early and on time I feel less guilty going back home on time to spend quality time with the boys. Afterall, we only get to spend about 2.5 to 3 hours together before they head off to bed. Time is such a precious commodity, especially so when you are a working mother with 2 young children.
Maybe that's why I'm also trying harder to be a good mummy... Oh, I made Yiyang a Halloween 'costume' instead of buying $2 hats/cape/wand from Daiso, a.k.a. the easy way out. So here's what I did between 11pm and 3am last Sunday night so that he could be Batman on Monday morning. By the time I packed up at nearly 4am, I was tired but really proud.

The costume was no-sew! The polysatin cape was obviously fraying 15 mins into my cutting it, but I didn't think the kid would be bothered. The only grey T-shirt I could find had a tag that said '6 years old' - bought in Perth's Cotton On last year during our trip... 派上用场了!!好开心。With lots of love, and lots of googling images, the whole package was done! I felt really proud, especially since the original plan was just to make a batman cape.

When I took this picture, I must have been imagining the big grin on Yiyang's sweet face when he sees this the next morning. :)
love, Peiling